تقدم شركة Futurol سواتر تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية من خلال استخدام الواح شمسية في الهيكل الخارجي لها وتعمل على تزويد المحرك بالطاقة اللازمة لتشغيله. وتعمل هذه السواتر عن بعد من خلال جهاز لاسلكي للتحكم بفتحها وإغلاقها. استخدم الألومنييوم لصناعة شرائح الساتر. تتميز هذه السواتر بأنها مناسبة لجميع الواجهات وتتوفر بألوان مختلفة
FUTUROL presents the first independent rolling shutter, with the return of the power system to the radio control point. The rolling shutter consists of an extra-low solar panel, direct current motor and battery,all contained in the casing : perfectly autonomous At a glance, the radio remote control tells the user, if the power of the system allows its normal operation. This feature helps the final consumer and facilitate the work of the professional installer. For the final consumer in the purchasing stage, a reluctance to opt for a standalone solution can still persist. This is the fear that the system will not be operational when it is needed, by default of battery charge or other similar incident of comparable nature. For the professional installer – in case of intervention request – the diagnosis of the system in situ and without disassembly is facilitated. If displacement is necessary, the pre-diagnosis done by telephone will make the intervention faster and more effective. Indeed, even if our returns in after-sales service are weak, they appear mainly as unjustified. The installer without a precise diagnosis comes under pressure from the user and changes all the components of the system, while a reminder of the system characteristics and a few hours of daylight, would be enough to return to normal operation. The help with diagnostic feedback from the control point becomes obvious